
Российская научная конференция «Интеллектуальные системы в информационном противоборстве»

Уважаемые коллеги!

Приглашаем Вас 8-11 декабря 2015 г. принять участие в
Российской научной конференции

«Интеллектуальные системы в информационном противоборстве»

Современный бизнес характеризуется резким усилением роли информационных процессов в конкурентной среде. Появление новых информационных технологий привело, с одной стороны, к значительному повышению эффективности бизнеса, с другой – стало причиной возникновения ранее невиданных угроз. Информационное противоборство в бизнес-среде стало реальностью. Необходимость защиты своего информационного пространства и потребность получения информации о возможных действиях конкурента определяют перспективные направления развития систем экономической и информационной безопасности любой компании.

Информационное письмо
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Russian Scientific Conference «Intelligent Systems in information warfare»

Dear colleagues!

We invite you to 8-11 December 2015 to take part in
Russian Scientific Conference

«Intelligent systems in information warfare»

Modern business is characterized by a sharp increase in the role of information processes in a competitive environment. The emergence of new information technologies has led, on the one hand, a significant increase in business efficiency, on the other — was the cause of previously unseen threats. Information confrontation in the business environment has become a reality. The need to protect their information space and the need to obtain information about possible actions of competitors define promising directions of development of economic and information security of any company.

Information mail

The purpose of the conference:
Discussion of the possibilities of application of intelligent information technology to achieve a competitive edge in the corporate business environment through the development of tools and methods of information security and knowledge management / business intelligence.

The main directions of the conference:
1. Intelligent technologies in the security business.
2. Identify threats to information and assessment of information risks of corporate business structures.
3. Intelligent Internet-technologies.
4. Protection Technologies resource allocation information and telecommunication systems.

Conference format:
Plenary and breakout sessions, workshops and round tables on the topics of the conference. During the conference will be the presentation of products of the conference participants. Perhaps full-time and part-time participation (publication of abstracts).

Conference work plan:
Information security business
Chairperson — Dr., Professor AV Babash.
The panel will address the study of enterprise development strategies, taking into account the emergence of new threats to information and selecting information security strategy based on the use of new smart technologies.
Analytical intelligence in the business environment.
Chairpersons — NI Bayandin, VS Kretov, dts, prof.
The panel will address the use of analytical intelligence techniques to solve problems of strategic planning in a rapidly changing area of ​​information threats.
Information security in the interaction of state and business structures. Head of Section — NI Volkov, Ph.D., Head of Research and Training of the Department Research Institute «Voskhod»
The panel will be considered theoretical and practical aspects of the organization and the use of methods and instruments for the protection of information, improvement of the information infrastructure, providing communication between the different sources of information, such as government bodies, as well as in business structures. Official web-representation of public authorities allow to constantly expand opportunities for citizens and organizations to realize their rights. So important is the consideration of technical, informational, social aspects of the development of digital identification, biometric access control methods, data mining.
Youth section.
Head of Section — MA Prikhodko, Ph.D.
The panel will consider the performances of young professionals, graduate students on issues of the conference.
The conference also will be held the Round Table «Business intelligence and business security.»

List of participants:

Leading scientists in the field of information security experts,
Representatives of state authorities of the Russian Federation,
Leaders and representatives of universities, academic institutions, research organizations and enterprises from different regions of Russia.
Invited to participate in the conference:
1. Kretov VS, Ph.D., Professor of the Diplomatic Academy
2. Telnov YF, prof., Head. Chair of PITiIB REU them. GV Plekhanov
3. Khodashinsky IA, Ph.D. prof., Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radio Electronics, TUSUR
4. Babash AV, d. F th. Sc., prof., School of Economics,
5. Lukinova OV, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Control,
6. Khobta IV, LLC Region General Manager,
7. Doronin A., Ph.D., assistant professor. Independent expert
8. Shatrov DV, Ltd. General Manager Analytical business solutions,
9. Grigoriev VR, Ph.D., Associate Professor, leading specialist RNT,
10. Urintsov AI, Doctor of Economics, prof., Head. Chair of REU them. GV Plekhanov
11. Y. Malinin, rector of the Academy of AIS, AZI ,.
12. Degrading NV, Ph.D. Professor RG them. GV Plekhanov,
13. Mukhin AV gene. Director of «Research Center for psycho»
14. Zyazin VP, to f-m n.; Professor MIREA
15. Zuev VI, Head: Dr., Vice Rector for remote and Information Technology of the Institute of Social and Humanitarian Knowledge, Kazan.

The conference is preparing to publish the conference proceedings, including reports of materials and messages with which conference participants to address the plenary as well as during the work sections.

Website konferentsii- http://analyticswar.ru/

Battle of the «Moscow-Magnitogorsk» projects -2015

Battle project «Moscow-Magnitogorsk» has become traditional, vivid, interesting and full of online-conference between the students enrolled in the direction «Applied informatics» at universities: MESI (Moscow) and the MSTU. GI Nosov (Magnitogorsk).
event was organized by Associate Professor, Department of Applied Informatics Bauman LZ Davletkireeva, OB Nazarov and deputy. Director of Science and add. Vocational Education Institute of Computer Technology MESI EV Romanov.

Cohesive team of IT specialists, students defended their projects within the framework of discipline «Project Workshop» on which children worked throughout the fall semester. Much work has been done. Gives rise to a lot of IT ideas, there were new proposals, the debate flared up, which as a result translated into real projects. On the first day of its operation represented by a team of MESI. The audience was filled with students of Moscow State Technical University, the audience waiting for the start of the battle. Speakers MESI projects were presented with completely different ideas and implementation, such as: development of the site for the travel company (FAQ: How justified such a large cost of the project, was carried out the design and simulation using any software, list the project documents (feasibility study, TK, etc. d) developed under the work;. what platform designed site?); carmaker Beavers Auto (asked questions: What is the total cost of the project?); modernization of AC transport company «Many TC» (FAQ: what part of the program and test procedure; how to calculate the optimal route; any special tools are used, for example, Deykstery algorithm, the main purpose of the work, if you are familiar with SCM Supply Chain Menegement?); Site development for confectionery café «Tadaima» (question: what tools to develop models, in which the means to develop models?).
Overall, the conference was a success thanks to the good organization and proper use of modern technology, which allows to combine online-reports with different demos, presentations, video, make the perception of the material more fun and informative. And the exchange of experiences between students from different universities — a valuable contribution to their training and development of student mobility, the strengthening of inter-institutional relations and the development of joint research and creative projects. And guys this is noted and appreciated. The conference ended with a burst of applause from the expectation of the second day, which will be represented by its proeuty Bauman team. In addition, all the boys and teachers who are unable to attend the performances, were able to follow the webcasts MESI portal in real time to ask questions.

Impressions of students:

Ilyasov NA, c. FIPIb-13: «Good organization, visualization phases of design using various software tools. Like a well-organized and the speakers it. »
Prolozova T. m. FIPIb-13: «I left a very good impression of the webinar. I thank the organizers for this opportunity. »
Sednief D. c. FIPIb-13: «Excellent event, very much. The entertaining task, the more it pleased the students perform. This practice is useful in future professional activities. «

Битва проектов «Москва-Магнитогорск»-2015

Битва проектов «Москва-Магнитогорск» становится уже традиционной, яркой, интересной и насыщенной online-конференцией между студентами, обучающимися по направлению подготовки «Прикладная информатика» в вузах: МЭСИ (г. Москва) и МГТУ им. Г.И. Носова (г. Магнитогорск).
Организаторами мероприятия выступили доценты кафедры Прикладной информатики МГТУ Л.З. Давлеткиреева, О.Б. Назарова и зам. директора по науке и доп. профессиональному образованию Института Компьютерных Технологий МЭСИ Е.В. Романова.
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